Twitter - FINISHED

Twitter account requirements:

  1. You must be enrolled in this program. Read how to enroll here
  2. You must have more than 1000 followers
  3. Your twitter account must have at least 80% authentic followers.

How to participate:

  1. Follow our official Twitter account throughout the whole campaign
  2. Like 3 tweets from
  3. Comment on 3 tweets of
    Comments like ‘nice project’, “great’, ‘love it’ etc are not counted. Try to create something meaningful.
  4. Retweet 3 tweets of
  5. Completion of the required tweets and actions within 1-3 days WILL NOT be counted. Please spread tweets in the week.
  6. Create a tweet that starts with With @dfinance_co I’m free to… and complete it with your thoughts. Please include hashtags: #Defi #DecentralizedFinance #Blockchain #Bitcoin #Cryptocurrency and tag us on twitter @dfinance_co.

How to report:

  1. Fill in this form every week. We ask you to be in time and submit the report every Sunday before 11:59pm UTC

We do not accept reports any longer


Follow official account - 1 credit

Like 3 tweets - 1 credit/week

Comment on 3 tweets - 1 credit/week

Retweet 3 tweets - 1 credit/week

Complete a tweet - 2 credits

List of all the participants

Note: to keep a clean and constructive public telegram chat, discussions of the Reward Program will be prohibited. If you have any questions, please check out our blog first; if you do not find answers or are unpleased with them, please PM one of the following team members directly: @imnlns, or @amanai

                       See what other activities you can take part in.