How to enroll

  1. Create a wallet and save your credentials.
    ***You must create only one wallet and use the same wallet address when filling in the registration and the reporting forms for activities. We will allocate your rewards to this address.
  2. Complete Activity №1. Without completing this task your overall activity won’t be counted.  
  3. Fill in this registration form - New registration are no longer accepted.
    ***You must use the same email address, wallet address and social media accounts when signing up for this reward program and when you are reporting the activity.

Table with all the accepted participants is renewed each week after you submitted the report.

Technical Activities. Read the rules here
Promotion Activities. Check them out here

Note: to keep a clean and constructive public telegram chat, discussions of the Reward Program will be prohibited. If you have any questions, please check out our blog first; if you do not find answers or are unpleased with them, please PM one of the following team members directly: @luna2, @imnlns, or @amanai