Dfinance releases VS Code Move extension

Following Libra’s Whitepaper update on Thursday, April 16th (https://libra.org/en-US/white-paper/#cover-letter), we are excited to release our own small contribution to the Libra ecosystem, a VS Code extension that adds Move support to the immensely popular development environment.

The extension will enable developers to quickly get familiar with the Move language, develop general applications for Libra and create new financial products and instruments on top of dfinance.

This extension release is our way to show our commitment to the Move language, and our support of its goal of helping with the adoption and expansion of the entire blockchain ecosystem.

What are the extension features?

The main purpose of this extension is to enable developers to quickly start coding in Move using the already familiar VS Code IDE, thus enabling the creation of new Move-based applications, designed to run both on Libra and on dfinance.

Main features:

The new extension makes it a breeze to start working on Move-based apps, by bundling the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting (including spec {} which will be supported soon on Move)
  • Support for both Move and Mvir languages
  • Syntax error highlighting via MLS
  • Built-in Move Language server
  • Built-in compiler for Darwin and MacOS
  • Built-in dfinance compiler for all platforms (for more details check out our documentation)

Additional smaller, but not necessarily less significant, features are also waiting to be explored. You can install the dfinance VS Code Move extension from the VS Code extensions browser or directly from the Visual Studio Marketplace:


We invite you to give a try, and submit your feedback. You are also welcome to fork the extension repository on GitHub, and create pull requests with additional features or improvements:


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